I've been trying to put a label on our latest life journey. Yes, labels are bad in some cases. In this case, I want to find a label so I can find an explanation. The best I could come up with is Responsible Freedom.
It sounds like a huge contradiction, but allow me to explain.
Freedom to me is freedom from a boss and an office. I want to be my own boss. I don't want to be on a regimen of 40-hour work weeks, overtime, and commuting until I'm able to retire. Basically, I want to use my talents to earn my money for myself.
Responsible Freedom to me means I am able to make enough money to keep our basic needs met without compromising my own time. I don't care to miss out on life simply because I had to work an extra shift to keep a credit card paid. It seems like an insulting way to spend my time. For now, I am a professional job-hopper to attack my debt. Once I can make it on my own with my creative abilities, I won't depend on these jobs anymore.
I've tried at-home based businesses, but it still felt like I was restricted by guidelines and brand standards I didn't ever agree with. In this case, I am better off seeking my own way. My blog will document each of these steps along the way.
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